31, 2014 -- I'm typing this while flying from New Orleans to Atlanta (then on to
Louisville) for a couple of days at home in Lexington before flying back to
Florida on Sunday and teaching Groom Elite 101 at Gulfstream Park on
Monday-Tuesday. The past two weeks started out "business as usual" and ended
"anything but"!
While teaching Groom Elite 101 at GP on January 19-20 I made arrangements with
assistant trainer Ralph Canatanese to teach the tacking class of GE 101 on
January 27-28 since I was to be in Louisiana. After class on Wednesday (20th) I
flew to California for the National HBPA convention. I knew I was on the Benefit
Providers committee for a "10 minute Groom Elite Update" and was prepared to do
that in the "breakout session" at 9:00 AM Thursday. Just after breakfast I
learned that I was not reporting in the breakout section but in the "round up"
session at 10:30 before the entire conference. Still only 10 minutes, but
instead of in a smaller side room I would be on the "big stage" and needed a
Power Point show and made a last minute "programming decision". I put together
the "update" in the first 4 minutes then took 8 minutes to give a "leadership
lesson" using principles taught on the first day of Groom Elite 101. (Yes I went
2 minutes over my allotted time, but I was well "under" the amount that other
presenters went over. I spent the rest of the meeting confirming dates for
classes and getting commitments from several HBPA's to consider a Groom Elite
class in 2014. I enjoyed 1/2 of our "day at Santa Anita" on Saturday afternoon
as a chest/sinus congetstion/cold nagged at me the entire trip and I decided to
retire to my room and get some rest.
On Sunday morning I flew to Louisiana via Southwest Airlines nonstop. Before I
got on the plane I received a text from my Mom in Baton Rouge saying that the
local WAFB television was reporting the Jetson Center for Youth had been closed
and juvenile offenders moved to locastion in North and South Louisiana. Jetson
is where our Juvenile Justice vocational progarm and retired racehorse program
was to be housed. I spent Monday getting information about that closure
and meeting with officials at Northshore Community College where I was to teach
a Teacher/Volunteer/Staff workshop Tuesday & Wednesday. Thursday's third and
final day was to be at Jetson. In addition to the surprising news from Jetson, a
major winter storm was moving rapidly toward Louisiana and school officials had
decided by noon on Monday that Northshore (and most of South Louisiana) was
going to be closed Tuesday and Wednesday. So, in our Monday meeting we decided
to postpone the Teacher workshop until March 20-21. Barry McNabb, welding
instructor at NTCC and a horseman, and I went over rough drawings of barn plans
for a Equestrian Studies and Veterinary Technology teaching clinic for which
nearly $100K in donations has been received. I will teach a Equine Grooming
Fundamentals class (Basic Grooming 099) at Northshore March 17-19 immediately
preceeding the Teacher training workshop.
The winter strom came in as promised and South Louisiana closed down for two and
a half days, I10, I12 and I55 plus other bridges and the Ponchatrain Causeway
leading out of New Orleans were closed due to ice and the city came to a stand
still as did much of South Louisiana. LSU's basketball game with Kentucky went
on as scheduled Tuesday night (since it was an ESPN nationally televised match)
and the Fighting Tigers pulled off an 87-82 upset. I spent most of the three ice
days sleeping late and resting in the afternoon as the cold continued to linger.
Now that I am home (Jan 31) I am feeling betting with a lingering, nusiance
cough aggravating me. I fly to Florida on Sunday and will wathc the Super
Bowl from there Sunday night and teach Groom Elite 101 at Gulfstream Park Monday
and Tuesday. I was originally scheduled to teach at Wateree in South
Carolina Wednesday-Friday, but that correctional facility has been under a flue
quarantine for 3 weeks and it was extended through Tuesday with another case
discovered this past Thursday.
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14th Annual Lone Star Park Trainers'
Exam Prep Class will be held April 2-4 (Wednesday through
Friday) immediately following the Texas Two-year old in Training sale on April
1. Special EARLY BIRD TUITION of $300
(save $50) if registered and paid by March 7. ($330 between March 8 and
April 1, $350 at door). CLICK
HERE to Register for 14th TExP class in GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS.
A Trainers Exam Prep Class has been scheduled in
LEXINGTON, Kentucky, MARCH 13-14-15, 2014.
Class will start Thursday afternoon 1:00 to 6:00 PM and continue Friday 8 AM to
4 PM and Saturday 8 AM to 2 PM. Special EARLY
BIRD TUITION of only $250 if paid by February 14, Regular early
registration of $280 between February 15 and march 12 and $300 at door.
for this LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY class.
CLICK HERE for class outline and
other general information
about the Trainers' Exam Prep Class
and to add you name to our email
list to be notified when other classes are scheduled
If you are interested in becoming a Rachorse Trainer or Assistant Trainer and cannot attend
a Trainers' Exam Prep Classes you can purchase the Prep Class materials by CLICKING HERE